OLYMPICS/ Fencing, Japan make breakthrough in Paris, mixed Games for hosts_al-nassr vs shabab al-ahli lineups
OLYMPICS/ Fencing,al-nassr vs shabab al-ahli lineups Japan make breakthrough in Paris, mixed Games for hosts
August 6, 2024 at 11:40 JST
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Paris 2024 Olympics - Fencing - . Kyosuke Matsuyama of Japan in action against Tommaso Marini of Italy during the Men's Foil Team Gold Medal Match at the Grand Palais, Paris, France, August 4, 2024. (REUTERS)
PARIS--France had been hoping for torrent of fencing golds at the Paris Olympics but despite winning seven medals for their best haul since 1996, it was Japan who came out on top at the spectacular Grand Palais venue.
With five medals, including two golds to France’s one, Japan captured its biggest haul at a single Games and becoming the first Asian nation to lead the medal table.
Since the first Games in 1896, when only four nations competed in fencing, the sport had been predominantly Eurocentric until recent years.
In Paris, countries such as the United States, Canada, South Korea, Tunisia and Hong Kong all played a full part in the upsets and historic wins that studded the tournament.
“These Games will surely stand as the most memorable of all time, presenting our sport to the world as never before,” said International Fencing Federation President Emmanuel Katsiadakis.
“Fencing has entered a new era of excitement and interest, having reached millions of spectators and fans worldwide.”
The U.S. came a close second to Japan, largely thanks to Lee Kiefer and Lauren Scruggs, who together snatched two gold medals and a silver in women’s foil.
South Korea maintained their position as team champions in the men’s sabre, allowing the country to rank third in the medal table.
Hong Kong delivered two champions, Vivian Kong in women’s epee and Cheung Ka-long who retained his title in men’s foil.
For France, who were under pressure to win medals to fulfil the country’s wider medal targets, results were mixed.
Manon Apithy-Brunet won their only gold, in the women’s individual sabre, and the hosts won four silvers, including the one from their loss to Italy by a single touch in women’s epee team final.
“Overall it’s a positive result, even if there’s some disappointment,” said Pierre Guichot, manager of the French Olympic fencing team.
“There is a failure, often mental, in key moments when we are not able to deliver ... We came very close to an exceptional Games. It’s gold that’s missing.”
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